We’ve Been Up and We’ve Been Down

We’ve Been Up and We’ve Been Down

Renovating Warwick Way has been so much more of a roller coaster than I ever anticipated. I honestly thought within 6 months of moving in that we would be finished. Well, what is that saying, life is what happens while you’re making other plans? Yeah. That. Now,...
5 Ways Journaling Keeps Me Sane

5 Ways Journaling Keeps Me Sane

During this unprecedented time of staying home to stay safe and keep others safe, I’ve really struggled. I’m so lucky to be working from home, with no real disruption to my job, but it’s caused a lot of emotional hardships by removing my interaction...
Why Warwick Way Began

Why Warwick Way Began

It’s been quite awhile since I had the idea for Warwick Way and created the website. I’ve let life get in the way for quite awhile now, but I think it’s time to actually fill this space with words and beautiful renovation photos, don’t you?  We purchased this...

In the Darkest of Times

“Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”- Albus Dumbledoor, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban The current global situation is definitely one that is dark and scary. I’m not sure where you are at, whether...
My Love Affair with Hot Tea

My Love Affair with Hot Tea

As a lifelong lover of coffee, former Starbucks Barista, and purveyor of the coziest warm beverages, I have always been acquainted with the beauty of hot teas. Recently though, I have  broken through the mysterious veil that always surrounded loose leaf tea. When...
Winter Tablescape

Winter Tablescape

The first thing you see when you walk in our front door is our dining table. I love to keep it set for this reason, so our house always looks put together. It’s also an easy place for me to start decorating for the different seasons. I love being able to play...