“Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”
– Albus Dumbledoor, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

The current global situation is definitely one that is dark and scary. I’m not sure where you are at, whether you’re considered “essential personnel”, working from home, laid off, or none of the above. What I do know is that it is an uncertain time for all of us. 

Humans are built for social connection, and we’re no longer able to carry out those connections. We are fortunate that the technology that so often removed us from connection is now able to bring back some of those connections. I know FaceTime coffee with my best friend is a life saver.

I’m in the very fortunate camp to be working from home. My company has been great at pushing everyone out of the office proactively and enabling us to do our jobs completely remotely. I am so thankful daily that I am not concerned about my paycheck. Jake is working daily, as UPS is considered essential.Thank the medical professionals, truck drivers, delivery drivers, mail carriers, cashiers, stockers, drive thru workers, and more.

I’m trying to focus on the positives while we’re ‘socially distancing’. Daily, I’m posting what I’m grateful for, sharing in hopes of reminding others to take a moment and be thankful for what we DO still have. 

I’m also writing little notes to friends and family. Everyone loves to get a piece of heartfelt mail, and it’s something I can do to hopefully brighten someone else’s day. The key to getting out of this sane, for me, is to continue to focus on the happy and get enough sunshine. I’m so lucky to have such a large yard, where it’s like going to the park with Ted. We’re taking multiple walks a day, just getting moving so I don’t petrify in my desk chair. 

What are the ways that you’re staying “sane” while we’re (mostly) stuck at home? Stay safe, friends.