Renovating Warwick Way has been so much more of a roller coaster than I ever anticipated. I honestly thought within 6 months of moving in that we would be finished. Well, what is that saying, life is what happens while you’re making other plans? Yeah. That.

Now, when I take a look back at all the things we’ve done, tried, and pushed to make happen, I realize that our current plan is the one that’s right. It’s the one that truly fulfills the status of ‘forever home’ which is what we’re looking for.

There have been moments where I’ve looked at houses and talked to realtors about listing just to be done with trying to fight the good fight every day. But, none of the houses on the market right now make me want to move. Shout out to Jay Downing at Flyer Homes Real Estate in Fayetteville. If you need an agent, tell him I sent you.

Right now, we’re working with a new bank to fund the project. We thought we were set with a different bank, but then COVID happened, and all bets were off. This new loan product sounds like it will work better for us in the long run though.

It’s been hard to come to this space, that I intended to fill with our story of renovating when I feel like I’ve constantly made no reportable progress. But I’m here, we’re still here, we still have the Warwick dream alive, although it’s a little more faint, and we’re still fighting to make this happen. As things begin to progress I promise to keep you all in the loop.